THE GOD · o deus
Simulação de Instalação
As moedas - primeiros símbolos institucionais de dinheiro - são feitas de metal. Simbolos universais das forças primordias da terra, estão associadas a Prometeo, a Marte, deuses do ferro, do fogo, que atravessaram o abismo que separa o mundo dos deuses, dos seres humanos. A ação desses deuses se transformou em metal, primeira matéria-fetiche, usada na transformação da sociedade, na agricultura, na guerra, e na confecção de moedas.
A obra se inspira no seguinte texto, extraido de, "The Fourth Stage", de Wole Soyinka.
On the arena of the living, when man is stripped of excrescences, when disasters and conflicts (the material of drama) have crushed and robbed him of self-consciousness and pretensions, he stands in present reality at the spiritual edge of the gulf, he has nothing left in physical existence which successfully impresses upon him his spiritual or psychic perception. It is at such moments that transitional memory takes over and intimations rack him of that intense parallel of his progress through the gulf of transition, of the dissolution of his self and his struggle and triumph over subsumation through the agency of the will.
The first actor - for he led the others - was Ogun, the first suffering deity, first creative energy, the first challenger, the conqueror of transition. The artefact of Ogun's conquest of separation, the 'fetish', was iron ore, symbol of earth's womb energies, cleaver and welder of life. Ogun, through his redemptive action, became the first symbol of the alliance of disparities when, from earth itself, he extracted elements for the subjugation of chtonic chaos.
Ritual anguish is therefore experienced as that primal transmission of the god's despair - vast, numinous, always incomprehensible. In vain we seek to capture it in words; there is only for the protagonist the certainty of the experience of this abyss - the tragic victim plunges into it in spite of ritualistic earthing and is redeemed only by action. Without acting, and yet in spite of it, he is forever lost in the maul of tragic tyranny.